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Employment experts available for comment

Conversation over coffee

We have some of the UK’s leading employment law experts available for comment and media work. If you’d like to interview someone who can speak about challenging employment law issues but in plain English, then please get in touch. They have been quoted in the trade press (insurance, legal, accountancy) as providing background for radio and telecision.

Our contacts can cover the following areas:

Dismissing leaders

How does a company go about firing its leaders? Who is involved in the firing of a CEO? How do you fire your head of Human Resources? How do you let go of your Chief People Officer?

Discrimination in the workplace

What are the kinds of discrimination which are illegal in the UK? What kinds of discrimination are not illegal but result in a payout? Do individuals still sign NDAs? Why do people speak out when they have previously signed an NDA?

Me too / #MeToo discrimination

How many people have lost their jobs because of the MeToo movement? How do companies need to adapt in light of MeToo issues? Have men suffered as a result of MeToo? Have women brought more claims as a result of MeToo? What do employment experts say?


Are the employment tribunals working? Do employment experts think that the system is fair? Does the government keep changing the rules on employment tribunals? Why? How do people bring a tribunal claim? Do they have to pay to do so? Is access to employment law justice fair?

Brexit and recessionary redundancies

Will we see major cuts in the financial services sector as a result of Brexit? Will people lose their jobs as banks move abroad? Will we see a series of redundancies in the near future? What are the first sets of redundancies we will see that tell us a recession is coming?

Gender pay reporting

Has gender pay reporting been a success? What are the challenges of asking smaller organisations to apply gender pay reporting standards? Will we see gender pay reporting move into other protected areas?

Future of work/flexible/agile working/gig economy

Is the future of work a real topic? How will future workplaces affect individuals? How will future working patterns affect companies/taxation?

Next steps on speaking to employment experts

If you’d like an employment expert to provide insightful media comment on human resources/employment issues, then please call Simon Marshall on 0117 2872099 (24hr) and he will arrange a call/interview.

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